Start your joint renewal yoga classes: For folks 50 and over, who want to rejuvenate their achy joints and gain an increased zest for life!


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Kathy White Yoga Studio Crofton B.C.

New students discount available - Click the button to register for your first class ( in person or on zoom )

How to Book Your Class

1. Register: Click New Student registration and fill in your details.

2. Check the Schedule.

3. Choose your class pass, pay and book.

All New Students - Discount Available - Register Now To Start Your First Class

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Please make sure you have credits on your account to book a class. Scroll down to Buy Classes

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New students discount available - fill in the form to start your first class

Frequently asked questions about classes

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

I have physical issues can I join?

Yes, if you have your health care professional's permission (or you wish to self-declare yourself fit enough) you may join a class. The classes are slow, mindful and sometimes require long holds which strengthen and are suitably challenging. I ask students to let me know of any physical issues before class, and I will work with you to adapt and modify the postures and sequences so you can participate fully and get all the benefits you are looking for.

Is there a beginners class?

All classes are open to beginners. With my years of experience at modifying poses, I teach in a way that allows you to work at your own level, being respectful of any restrictions or stiffness you have. Old injuries or surgery can also be modified for. I will instruct you how to practice safely and accommodate variations to make it easy and doable for you.

Why is yoga so popular?

The popularity of yoga in the west has been exponential in recent decades. It seems every corner in every city has a yoga centre. I believe the popularity is because it meets two needs that every human being has. To be happy in their body. And to be happy in their mind or spirit. Yoga is a unique system that was developed for longevity, health and connection to spirit. It is a deeply spiritual practice. So even if the average person goes to a yoga class looking for a 'workout' they emerge from that class having received not just what they came for but also so much more - they are uplifted on all levels.

What kind of yoga is this?

The method of yoga I teach has an emphasis using my Joint Renewal System(TM) is a blend of different styles that I have adapted to make it suitable for people 50 and over. My main influences are Kaiut, and Scaravelli. I have a background in Sivananda - classical hatha yoga. Younger people, of course, are very welcome and can and do benefit as well. It has an emphasis on slow movements, precise holds, awareness of the breath and opening, cleansing and restoration of the joints. The method is very helpful to regulates and calm the nervous system. It is a wonderful sustainable practice. My wish and hope is that my students are still practicing when they are in their 90's (indeed I have one student - my dad - who does!)

How much yoga should I practice?

To see the benefits of a yoga practice, I suggest a steady commitment of two classes (one hour each) a week. And I know the more often you practice, the more likely you are to see the best results. While once a week is fine, if you can find time to also do some other yoga at home on your own. Many regular students also join Kathy White Yoga Membership and practice on their own at home, so they seldom miss their practice. Having a steady commitment is a great way to gain the maximum benefits and amazing results this practice can bring.

I've been practicing for years how is this different?

My own story was very much that of the experienced yogi, then when I turned 50, hormonal and physical challenges forced me to develop a new practice that addressed my changing body and mind. I now teach a unique blend of different types of yoga (most importantly Scaravelli, and Kaiut) that I have studied, trained and worked with over many years. I also have studied Dance, Feldenkreis, Kung Fu, Franklin Method, Qi Gong each of which gives me a deeper understanding of how the body moves. A practice based on breath, slow mindful movement, long holds to establish a sense of presence in the body and the mind. The yoga I teach is very deep and powerful, both strengthening incredibly calming. And specifically targets, flushes and cleanses the joints. Like adding WD40 for the joints! And more importantly, it regulates the nervous system. For us living in this modern world, it is an ancient practice with a new and radical approach. It is quite remarkable because this results in an increased ability to relax and heal, while giving flexibility and strength.

Frequently asked question about payments

Here are a few answers to our most common questions

How do I book?

If you want to know prices, dates and how to register and book go to the booking site.

I'm a new student, how much is it?

First you need to register as a New Student to be eligible for the introductory rate.

Can I re-schedule or cancel my bookings?

Yes, when you purchase a class plan, your classes can be changed, cancelled or re-scheduled an unlimited number of times if done at least 24 hours before a class and as long as your class pass has not expired.

There is an admin fee of one class credit if you do not make the changes yourself at least 24 hours before class.

Can I pay in Canadian Dollars?

Canadian dollars

You may etransfer $ canadian to kathy @ kathy white yoga . com (remove all spaces when entering the email address)

Once you have paid, your account will be credited and you will be able to book dates for your classes yourself.

Other questions?

Fill in the Contact Us form with your question.

Payment in US Dollars

As I teach internationally, I use USD as a universal currency. If you wish to pay in Canadian dollars, please e-transfer kathy @

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